WASD keys to move

Mouse to aim

Left click to shoot bullet(s)

Right click to shoot a bomb

Backspace to reset game

---The Game---

Play as HappyBoo and use your trusty gun to vanquish Waves of  Slime ! Take advantage of the automatic turret, Use your supply of bombs wisely,  And collect power-ups to grow stronger, Defeat the mighty "slime kings" and save the day!

currently the game is in early access so there's more features planned ! the only known bug is that the game will freeze for 1-3 seconds when a slime is killed for the first time, I'm working on fixing it, the game might not run well if you're using an older CPU, I included a download option for Windows that should run better on older CPUs.


In early April I followed GDquest's amazing tutorial for making a "Vampire survivor style" game , but after finishing it I decided to change it to a more traditional twin stick shooter (you'll have to aim and shoot manually) and after that I just went all out with it! I added all sorts of new features that weren't in the tutorial: 3 new enemy types, an automatic turret, a score and wave system, bombs, 2 bosses, bullet spread and 3 power-ups.

This game is and will always be very dear to me, GDquest gave me the foundation, and I built my own stuff on top of it, I learned so much about GDscript and coding in general with this game.

I got the code for the Bullet spread from this awesome tutorial.


HappyBoo Vs. The Slimes!.exe 66 MB

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